History Of Origami
World's Origami Folder
   - Ken Blackburn
   - Satoshi Kamiya
Thai's Origami Folder
   - Hmong Thongdee
   - Ekasit Kemnguad
Origami Terms
Basic Symbols Of Origami
Applications Of Origami
   - Mathematics
   - Medication
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Applications Of Origami


Picture From : http://gotoknow.org/file/chiew-buncha/stent-Zhong_You_page.jpg
          Origami has benefits more than you know. Why people fold paper into many kinds of animals? Almost, they answer that it is fun and it looks cute. But in the other ways, it’s the way to relax and it has many healthy benefits. Now a day, researchers have found that Origami or paper folding can help those with medical conditions.
          Origami has proven to be a beneficial therapy tool for both physical and medical or emotional patients. Origami has been used as a bridging therapy, an icebreaker and as a relaxation technique before other therapy sessions. The folding process provides a great work out for exercising the hands and fingers and the mind. People who have had surgery or injuries of hands, can use Origami to restore their aches. Origami helps patients build muscles that important to reclaim the control of their hand movements and it is more rewarding than traditional physical therapy methods.

Picture From : http://i.ehow.com/
          Origami works wonders with patients who have emotional and mental problems. It can be really important if you are dealing with patients with emotional and mental problems, with its eye-catching colors and shapes. It’s not the kind of activity that is restrictive or threatening. Moreover, it’s easy to learn and safe.
          Origami gives patients a number of choices including color, pattern and the ability to design a great number of different figures ranging from the very simple to the extremely complex. It gives the patients the option to act as observer or participant, to practice alone or in a group.
          The therapists can also look for improvements in hand-eye coordination, communication skills, cooperation with others, willingness to teach others, reaction to difficult projects, ability to complete tasks, taking an interest in socializing and an increase in the ability to focus. They will also find the patients calmer and more relaxed. 

Source : http://www.origami-resource-center.com/health-benefits.html               http://www.scribd.com/doc/22573154/Benefits-and-Types-of-Origami

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