Picture By : Sarita Vichayadacha
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Exercises 3

คำชี้แจง ให้นักเรียนเลือกคำตอบที่ถูกต้องที่สุด

1. The children ………. television when their parents return home.

    a. will watch
    b. will be watching
    c. had watched
    d. will have been watching
2. We ………. working on the thesis by the end of next April.
    a. shall have finished
    b. shall have been finishing
    c. will be finished
    d. will finish
3. They ………. for their sister-in-law when the plane arrives.

    a. will wait
    b. we have waited
    c. will be waiting
    d. will have been waited

4. I ………. my third article by the day after tomorrow.

    a. shall write
    b. shall be writing
    c. will write
    d. shall have written

5. My father ………. with the government for fifty year by the time he retires.

    a. will work
    b. will be working
    c. will have worked
    d. will be worked

6. I promise you that I ………. you the money back next week.

    a. will give
    b. will be giving
    c. will be given
    d. will have given

7. We ………. our first semester examination next Monday.

    a. will be taking
    b. will take
    c. will have taken
    d. will have taken

8. I ………. them off when I leave the room.

    a. will have turning
    b. will be turned
    c. will be turning
    d. will turn

9. ………. he completes his training, ………. is going to be an accountant.

    a. As soon as, and he
    b. As soon as, he
    c. No sooner, than he
    d. Scarcely, than he

10. I think she ………. only one baby.

    a. is going to have
    b. is having
    c. will have had
    d. will be having





อาจารย์วีณา รัตนสุมาวงศ์
นางสาวสริตา วิชญาเดชะ, นางสาวภัคพร เกียรติจินดารัตน์, นางสาวอัฉรา ศาสนพิทักษ์กุล


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