• user warning: Table 'cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache_filter WHERE cid = '3:7a55d7e60c5a1e0c11619167069faa1e' in /home/tgv/htdocs/includes/cache.inc on line 27.
  • user warning: Table 'cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache_filter SET data = '<!--paging_filter--><div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Animated-Flag-Thailand.gif\" width=\"278\" height=\"183\" />\n</div>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p>\n<b><span style=\"font-size: medium; font-family: Arial; color: #800040\">Location</span></b>\n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/thailand/images/seasia32a.gif\" width=\"300\" height=\"214\" />\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<span style=\"font-size: small; font-family: Arial; color: #000080\"><br />\n</span><span style=\"font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial; color: #000080\">Thailand is a Southeast<br />\nAsian, predominantly Buddhist kingdom almost equidistant between India<br />\nand China. For centuries known by outsiders as Siam, Thailand has been<br />\nsomething of a Southeast Asian migratory, cultural and religious crossroads.</span>\n<blockquote><p>\n <span style=\"font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial; color: #000080\">     <br />\n With as area of some 510,000 square kilometers and a population of some<br />\n 60 million, Thailand is approximately the same size as France. Thailand<br />\n shares borders with Myanmar to the west and north, Laos to the northeast,<br />\n Cambodia to the east, and Malaysia to the south.</span>\n </p>\n</blockquote>\n<blockquote><p>\n <span style=\"font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial; color: #000080\">     <br />\n Geographically speaking, Thailand is divided into six major regions:<br />\n the mountainous north where elephants work forests and winter temperatures<br />\n are sufficiently cool to permit cultivation of temperate fruits such<br />\n as strawberries and peaches; the sprawling northeast plateau, largely<br />\n bordered by the Mekong River, where the world’s oldest Bronze Age civilization<br />\n flourished some 5,000 years ago; the central plain, one of the world’s<br />\n most fertile rice and fruit-growing areas; the eastern coastal plain,<br />\n where fine sandy beaches support the growth of summer resorts; western<br />\n mountains and valleys, suitable for the development of hydro-electric<br />\n power; and the peninsular south where arresting scenic beauty complements<br />\n economically vital tin mining, rubber cultivation and fishing.</span> \n </p>\n<p>\n <img src=\"http://www.zabzaa.com/freeanimation/animation/chromeshimmer_md_wht.gif\" width=\"525\" height=\"30\" />\n </p>\n<p>\n &nbsp;\n </p>\n<p>\n &nbsp;\n </p>\n<object classid=\"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000\" codebase=\"http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">\n <param name=\"width\" value=\"425\" />\n <param name=\"height\" value=\"350\" />\n <param name=\"src\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/lsWGds67udw\" />\n <embed type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\" src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/lsWGds67udw\"></embed>\n </object><p>\n &nbsp;\n </p>\n<p>\n <span style=\"color: #0000ff\"><b>เชิญทุกท่านมาท่องเที่ยวไทยนะครับ </b></span>\n </p>\n<p>\n <img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/images/039bangkok_main.gif\" width=\"140\" align=\"left\" height=\"44\" />\n </p>\n<p>\n &nbsp;\n </p>\n<p>\n &nbsp;\n </p>\n</blockquote>\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/wallpaper/bangkok/bangkok_wallpaper.gif\" width=\"137\" align=\"left\" height=\"104\" /> \n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<span style=\"font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: #000099\">In<br />\nthe midst of dynamic modern growth, Bangkok miraculously manages<br />\nto preservits cultural heritage to a marked degree. The soaring<br />\nroofs and gleaming spires of the Grand Palace and the city’s many<br />\nhistoric temples Temple of </span><span style=\"font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: #000099\">the Emerald Buddha, Temple of Dawn and<br />\nother evocative shrines present the visitor with a picture of medieval<br />\nOriental wonder; the very stuff of Eastern fairytales. And contained<br />\nwithin Bangkok’s monuments and sights are treasures of the nation’s<br />\nartistic and cultural endeavour that typify the land and the people.<br />\n</span>\n</div>\n<p>\n<span style=\"font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: #000099\">               The influence of the past and the enduring threads<br />\nof the social fabric are not limited to the static. They continue<br />\nto pervade daily life. Files of saffron-robed monks making their<br />\nearly morning alms round, for example, present an image unaltered<br />\nin essentials by the passing of time. Today’s backdrop of highrise<br />\nbuildings serve only to emphasize the exotic and timeless scene,<br />\nwhile the city draws definition from it.<br />\nIndeed, there is much to discover, and in addition<br />\nto the city’s most famous monuments there are numerous lesser known<br />\nsights of great interest. The Chapel of the Emerald Buddha, which<br />\nenshrines the national palladium, rightly tops the sightseeing list,<br />\nbut Bangkok numbers more than 400 temples, many of which have their<br />\nown fascination. <br />\nA similar selection can be made with museums.<br />\nThe National Museum is excellent and comprehensive, but as impressive<br />\nin their own way are the Jim Thompson House, Vimanmek Mansion and<br />\nSuan Pakkad Palace, all of which house fine art collections within<br />\nnoteworthy settings. <br />\nNot least, cruising the Chao Phraya river and<br />\nthe remaining canals which once made Bangkok the “<b>Venice of the<br />\nEast</b>” offers a glimpse of traditional riverine lifestyles, affording<br />\ninsights into the history and character of this wondrous city </span>\n</p>\n<p>\n<span style=\"clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em; font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: #000099\"><a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=40\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_chatuchak_shopping_street.jpg\" alt=\"Chatuchak weekend Market\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=35\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_dusit-zoo-hippopotamus-mali.jpg\" alt=\"Dusit Zoo\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=17\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_hualamphong11.jpg\" alt=\"Hualamphong Railway Station\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=41\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_khaosan_road.jpg\" alt=\"Khaosan Road\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a><br />\n<a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=14\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_saunlum_night7.jpg\" alt=\"Suan Lum Night Bazaar\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=42\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_siam-paragon-bts.jpg\" alt=\"Siam Paragon\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=39\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_silom_bts_skytrains.jpg\" alt=\"Silom\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=16\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_thailand_suvarnabhumi_airport.jpg\" alt=\"Suvarnabhumi Airport\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a><br />\n<a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=15\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_wiman_mek2.jpg\" alt=\"Wiman Mek Palace\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_wat_phrakaeo.jpg\" alt=\"Wat Phra Kaeo \" width=\"100\" border=\"0\" height=\"75\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=32\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/photo/thumb_yaowarat_gate.jpg\" alt=\"Yaowarat Road\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=44\"><img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/province/central/bangkok/images/thumb_safari-world-dolphins-jump.jpg\" alt=\"Safari World\" width=\"120\" border=\"0\" height=\"90\" /></a></span>\n</p>\n<p align=\"center\">\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://www.zabzaa.com/freeanimation/animation/chromeshimmer_md_wht.gif\" width=\"497\" height=\"30\" />\n</div>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://image.ohozaa.com/ib/cooltext440246357.gif\" width=\"459\" height=\"69\" />\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://www.thaiwebsites.com/provinces/images/khonkaen_watnongwan.jpg\" width=\"320\" height=\"240\" />\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<b>Khon Kaen is the commercial,administrative an educational<br />\ncentre of the Northeast,which is often used by travellers as a base for visiting many parts of <img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Khon%20kaen/general_01.jpg\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"250\" align=\"right\" height=\"210\" hspace=\"4\" />upper Isan.</b>\n</div>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p>\n<b>    Khon Kaen National Museum houses objects from the Dvaravati period and bronze sculptures from Ban Chiang. Kaen Nakhon Lake in the centre of town is a popular spot for picnics and dining,while Wat That on its bank features typical Isan spires.</b>\n</p>\n<p>\n<b>Khon Kaen is the centre of the northeastern silk industry with numerous villages producing their own mudmee designs.  Chonnabot is noted for its quality silks.  </b>\n</p>\n<p>\n<b>Every December the city hosts a Silk Fair,when all the best materials are on sale. </b><br />\n<b></b>\n</p>\n<p>\n<b>Unusual animals are popular in the province,with the cobra and the turtle villages high on tourist programmes. </b>\n</p>\n<p>\n<b> In both village</b><b><img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Khon%20kaen/general_02.jpg\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"194\" align=\"left\" height=\"173\" hspace=\"4\" /></b><b>s, the residents live with their proteges,training them and putting on fascinating shows.  A dinosaur is the provincial symbol ever since remains of these great beasts were unearthed in Phu Wiang National Park,a</b><b>n area also famous for its flora,fauna and waterfalls.</b> <b>Khon Kaen is 445 kilometres from Bangkok and has an area of about 10,886 square kilometres. It comprises the districts of Muang, Ban Phai, Phon, Nam Phong, Chum Phae, Phu Wiang, Mancha Khiri, Nong Ruea, Kranuan, Nong Song Hong, Chonnabot, Si Chomphu, Waeng Noi, Ubolratana, Ban Fang, Khao Suan Kwang, Phra Yuen, Waeng Yai, Pueai Noi, Phu Pha Man, Khok Pho Chai, Nong Na Kham, Sam Sung and Ban Haet.</b>\n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://www.zabzaa.com/freeanimation/animation/chromeshimmer_md_wht.gif\" width=\"497\" height=\"30\" />\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://image.ohozaa.com/i4/cooltext440246786.png\" width=\"532\" height=\"61\" />\n</div>\n<p>\n<img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Chiang%20mai/General/Changmai1.gif\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"253\" align=\"right\" height=\"251\" hspace=\"4\" />Experiencing the merging of the past into the present in Chiang Mai where locals are proud of the city’s 700-year history. Its rich traditional heritage and unique culture is a perfect foundation for the development of the city. Chiang Mai is one of the few places in Thailand where it is possible to find in the heart of the city centuries-old chedis and temples next to modern convenience stores and boutique hotels. The original city layout still exists as a neat square surrounded by a moat with vestiges of the fortified wall and its four main gates offering prime access to the old town.\n</p>\n<p>\nFor years, tourists have mistaken Chiang Mai as the northern junction<br />\nand the base from which they can explore other provinces. The phrase &quot;a<br />\nday in Chiang Mai is enough to see things around&quot; was common. Today,<br />\ntourists are surprised by the fact that there is always something new<br />\nto discover Chiang Mai. Intriguing diversity among ethnic tribes<br />\ncoupled with breathtaking scenery makes Chiang Mai one of Asia’s most<br />\nattractive tourist destinations. Two weeks in Chiang Mai may not be<br />\nlong enough for serious travelers.</p>\n<p>The old city of Chiang Mai with its fascinating indigenous cultural<br />\nidentity such as diverse dialects, cuisine, architecture, traditional<br />\nvalues, festivals, handicrafts and classical dances is a prime location<br />\nin its own right. In addition, the presence of hill tribes and their<br />\nwealth of unique cultures enhance Chiang Mai’s distinctive diversity.\n</p>\n<p>\n<br />\n<img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Chiang%20mai/General/Travel_chiengmai-0.jpg\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"192\" align=\"left\" height=\"135\" hspace=\"4\" />Chiang<br />\nMai is also blessed with pristine natural resources of mountains<br />\n(dois), waterfalls, and other nature-based tourist attractions. At the<br />\nsame time, Chiang Mai residents are warm, gracious and congenial<br />\nproviding authentic hospitality making visits memorable and meaningful.<br />\nMoreover, visitors from all walks of life can collect handicrafts of<br />\nsilk, silver and wood produced locally as timeless souvenirs. Chiang<br />\nMai is a place where both backpackers and luxury tourists can enjoy<br />\nthemselves to the fullest. \n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://www.zabzaa.com/freeanimation/animation/chromeshimmer_md_wht.gif\" width=\"497\" height=\"30\" />\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://image.ohozaa.com/ic/cooltext440247202.gif\" width=\"456\" height=\"99\" /> \n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n</div>\n<p>\n<img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Phuket/General/phuketg.jpg\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"282\" align=\"right\" height=\"208\" hspace=\"4\" />Located approximately 862 kilometers south of Bangkok is Phuket, Thailand’s largest island, which is often dubbed as the pearl of the Andaman, or the pearl of the south. Its natural resources- rocky peninsular, limestone cliffs, white powdery beaches, tranquil broad bays and tropical in-land forests contribute to making it the South’s wealthiest, busiest, most visited and most popular island and province.<br />\n<img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Phuket/General/phuket_01.jpg\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"193\" align=\"left\" height=\"135\" hspace=\"4\" />Nestled in the tropical zone off the west coast of the southern part of Thailand in the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean, the province covers an area of approximately 543 square kilometers (excluding small islets).\n</p>\n<p>\nIt is estimated that Phuket Province covers an area of approximately 590 square kilometers if its 39 other small islands are included. The islands total length, from north to south, is estimated at 48.7 kilometers and approximately 21.3 kilometers wide.\n</p>\n<p>\nPhuket borders on Phang-nga Province to the north. The other 3 sides are encircled by the Andaman Sea the place where many of the best diving sites are located. The island is connected to Phang-nga Province by Sarasin Bridge and Thep Krasattri Bridge.<br />\n<img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Phuket/General/phuket_03.jpg\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"192\" align=\"right\" height=\"136\" hspace=\"4\" />Staying on the island is easy, as there are only two seasons in a year - the rainy season (May to October) and the hot season (November to April).\n</p>\n<p>\nThe low season of phuket is between September and October as they are the wettest months. The best period for a visit, is from November to February, when it is possible to see the clear blue sky, feel the fresh sea breeze and marvel at the crystal clear water while lying on powdery, palm-fringed beaches.\n</p>\n<p>\nAverage temperatures ranges between 23 C and 33 C.<br />\nPhuket’s topology is exceptional with 70 percent of its area covered with mountains which stretch from north to south and the remaining 30 percent being plains located in the central and eastern parts of the island.\n</p>\n<p>\nThe island does not have any major rivers except for a total of 9 brooks and creeks.<br />\nPhuket is divided into 3 adminstrative counties namely Amphoe Muang, Amphoe Thalang and Amphoe Kathu.<br />\n<img src=\"http://www.tourismthailand.org/ajaxengine/upload/mod_destinationguide/html_library/Phuket/General/phuket_08.jpg\" vspace=\"4\" width=\"194\" align=\"left\" height=\"138\" hspace=\"4\" />Phuket has a lot more to offer its visitors other than its natural heritage sea, sand, sky, beach, forest, and world renowned diving sites. Sino-Portuguese architecture casts its spell delighting travelers to the city, while Phuket-style hospitality has never failed to impress visitors from all walks of life. In addition, accommodations ranging from world-class resorts to tropical-style bungalows have warmly catered to the different needs of travelers. For seafood lovers, there is a lot more to sample than just Phuket’s famous lobster. Altogether, these characteristics have made Phuket a truly unique destination.\n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p>\n&nbsp;\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n<b>  รวมรูปภาพต่างๆ ในประเทศไทย</b>\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n<img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_wat_phrakaeo.jpg\" width=\"520\" height=\"390\" />\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\nวัดพระแ้ก้ว กรุงเทพ <span class=\"alblink\"></span><b><a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1\"><b>Wat Phra Kaew</b></a></b>\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n<img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10001/normal_khaosan_road.jpg\" width=\"520\" height=\"390\" />\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\nถนนข้าวสาร กรุงเทพ  <span class=\"alblink\"></span><b><a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=41\"><b>Khao San Road</b></a></b>\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n<img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10006/normal_thailand_phuket_landmark.jpg\" width=\"520\" height=\"390\" />\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\nแหลมพรหมเทพ จังหวัดภูเก็ต <span class=\"alblink\"></span><b><a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=9\"><b>Laem Phromthep</b></a></b>\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n<img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10006/normal_phuket-phiphi-le.jpg\" width=\"520\" height=\"390\" />\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\nเกาะพีพี ภูเ็ก็ต <span class=\"alblink\"></span><b><a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=30\"><b>Phi-Phi Island</b></a></b>\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n<img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10009/normal_panda-chaingmai.jpg\" width=\"520\" height=\"390\" />\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\nสวนสัตว์เชียงใหม่ <span class=\"statlink\"></span><b><a href=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=21\">Chiang Mai Zoo</a></b>\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n <img src=\"http://www.tothailand.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10005/normal_koh_lan2.jpg\" width=\"520\" height=\"390\" />\n</p>\n<p style=\"visibility: visible\">\n<b>Pattaya View Point <br />\n</b>\n</p>\n<div style=\"text-align: center\">\n<img src=\"http://www.zabzaa.com/freeanimation/animation/dynamite_bomb_md_wht.gif\" width=\"188\" height=\"80\" />\n</div>\n<p>\n<b>จบแล้วครับ สวัสดี</b>\n</p>\n', created = 1729495615, expire = 1729582015, headers = '', serialized = 0 WHERE cid = '3:7a55d7e60c5a1e0c11619167069faa1e' in /home/tgv/htdocs/includes/cache.inc on line 112.

แนะนำประเทศไทย (sign up now)




Thailand is a Southeast
Asian, predominantly Buddhist kingdom almost equidistant between India
and China. For centuries known by outsiders as Siam, Thailand has been
something of a Southeast Asian migratory, cultural and religious crossroads.

With as area of some 510,000 square kilometers and a population of some
60 million, Thailand is approximately the same size as France. Thailand
shares borders with Myanmar to the west and north, Laos to the northeast,
Cambodia to the east, and Malaysia to the south.

Geographically speaking, Thailand is divided into six major regions:
the mountainous north where elephants work forests and winter temperatures
are sufficiently cool to permit cultivation of temperate fruits such
as strawberries and peaches; the sprawling northeast plateau, largely
bordered by the Mekong River, where the world’s oldest Bronze Age civilization
flourished some 5,000 years ago; the central plain, one of the world’s
most fertile rice and fruit-growing areas; the eastern coastal plain,
where fine sandy beaches support the growth of summer resorts; western
mountains and valleys, suitable for the development of hydro-electric
power; and the peninsular south where arresting scenic beauty complements
economically vital tin mining, rubber cultivation and fishing.







the midst of dynamic modern growth, Bangkok miraculously manages
to preservits cultural heritage to a marked degree. The soaring
roofs and gleaming spires of the Grand Palace and the city’s many
historic temples Temple of
the Emerald Buddha, Temple of Dawn and
other evocative shrines present the visitor with a picture of medieval
Oriental wonder; the very stuff of Eastern fairytales. And contained
within Bangkok’s monuments and sights are treasures of the nation’s
artistic and cultural endeavour that typify the land and the people.

               The influence of the past and the enduring threads
of the social fabric are not limited to the static. They continue
to pervade daily life. Files of saffron-robed monks making their
early morning alms round, for example, present an image unaltered
in essentials by the passing of time. Today’s backdrop of highrise
buildings serve only to emphasize the exotic and timeless scene,
while the city draws definition from it.
Indeed, there is much to discover, and in addition
to the city’s most famous monuments there are numerous lesser known
sights of great interest. The Chapel of the Emerald Buddha, which
enshrines the national palladium, rightly tops the sightseeing list,
but Bangkok numbers more than 400 temples, many of which have their
own fascination.
A similar selection can be made with museums.
The National Museum is excellent and comprehensive, but as impressive
in their own way are the Jim Thompson House, Vimanmek Mansion and
Suan Pakkad Palace, all of which house fine art collections within
noteworthy settings.
Not least, cruising the Chao Phraya river and
the remaining canals which once made Bangkok the “Venice of the
” offers a glimpse of traditional riverine lifestyles, affording
insights into the history and character of this wondrous city

Chatuchak weekend Market Dusit Zoo Hualamphong Railway Station Khaosan Road
Suan Lum Night Bazaar Siam Paragon Silom Suvarnabhumi Airport
Wiman Mek Palace Wat Phra Kaeo  Yaowarat Road Safari World





Khon Kaen is the commercial,administrative an educational
centre of the Northeast,which is often used by travellers as a base for visiting many parts of upper Isan.


    Khon Kaen National Museum houses objects from the Dvaravati period and bronze sculptures from Ban Chiang. Kaen Nakhon Lake in the centre of town is a popular spot for picnics and dining,while Wat That on its bank features typical Isan spires.

Khon Kaen is the centre of the northeastern silk industry with numerous villages producing their own mudmee designs.  Chonnabot is noted for its quality silks. 

Every December the city hosts a Silk Fair,when all the best materials are on sale. 

Unusual animals are popular in the province,with the cobra and the turtle villages high on tourist programmes. 

In both villages, the residents live with their proteges,training them and putting on fascinating shows.  A dinosaur is the provincial symbol ever since remains of these great beasts were unearthed in Phu Wiang National Park,an area also famous for its flora,fauna and waterfalls. Khon Kaen is 445 kilometres from Bangkok and has an area of about 10,886 square kilometres. It comprises the districts of Muang, Ban Phai, Phon, Nam Phong, Chum Phae, Phu Wiang, Mancha Khiri, Nong Ruea, Kranuan, Nong Song Hong, Chonnabot, Si Chomphu, Waeng Noi, Ubolratana, Ban Fang, Khao Suan Kwang, Phra Yuen, Waeng Yai, Pueai Noi, Phu Pha Man, Khok Pho Chai, Nong Na Kham, Sam Sung and Ban Haet.



Experiencing the merging of the past into the present in Chiang Mai where locals are proud of the city’s 700-year history. Its rich traditional heritage and unique culture is a perfect foundation for the development of the city. Chiang Mai is one of the few places in Thailand where it is possible to find in the heart of the city centuries-old chedis and temples next to modern convenience stores and boutique hotels. The original city layout still exists as a neat square surrounded by a moat with vestiges of the fortified wall and its four main gates offering prime access to the old town.

For years, tourists have mistaken Chiang Mai as the northern junction
and the base from which they can explore other provinces. The phrase "a
day in Chiang Mai is enough to see things around" was common. Today,
tourists are surprised by the fact that there is always something new
to discover Chiang Mai. Intriguing diversity among ethnic tribes
coupled with breathtaking scenery makes Chiang Mai one of Asia’s most
attractive tourist destinations. Two weeks in Chiang Mai may not be
long enough for serious travelers.

The old city of Chiang Mai with its fascinating indigenous cultural
identity such as diverse dialects, cuisine, architecture, traditional
values, festivals, handicrafts and classical dances is a prime location
in its own right. In addition, the presence of hill tribes and their
wealth of unique cultures enhance Chiang Mai’s distinctive diversity.

Mai is also blessed with pristine natural resources of mountains
(dois), waterfalls, and other nature-based tourist attractions. At the
same time, Chiang Mai residents are warm, gracious and congenial
providing authentic hospitality making visits memorable and meaningful.
Moreover, visitors from all walks of life can collect handicrafts of
silk, silver and wood produced locally as timeless souvenirs. Chiang
Mai is a place where both backpackers and luxury tourists can enjoy
themselves to the fullest. 



Located approximately 862 kilometers south of Bangkok is Phuket, Thailand’s largest island, which is often dubbed as the pearl of the Andaman, or the pearl of the south. Its natural resources- rocky peninsular, limestone cliffs, white powdery beaches, tranquil broad bays and tropical in-land forests contribute to making it the South’s wealthiest, busiest, most visited and most popular island and province.
Nestled in the tropical zone off the west coast of the southern part of Thailand in the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean, the province covers an area of approximately 543 square kilometers (excluding small islets).

It is estimated that Phuket Province covers an area of approximately 590 square kilometers if its 39 other small islands are included. The islands total length, from north to south, is estimated at 48.7 kilometers and approximately 21.3 kilometers wide.

Phuket borders on Phang-nga Province to the north. The other 3 sides are encircled by the Andaman Sea the place where many of the best diving sites are located. The island is connected to Phang-nga Province by Sarasin Bridge and Thep Krasattri Bridge.
Staying on the island is easy, as there are only two seasons in a year - the rainy season (May to October) and the hot season (November to April).

The low season of phuket is between September and October as they are the wettest months. The best period for a visit, is from November to February, when it is possible to see the clear blue sky, feel the fresh sea breeze and marvel at the crystal clear water while lying on powdery, palm-fringed beaches.

Average temperatures ranges between 23 C and 33 C.
Phuket’s topology is exceptional with 70 percent of its area covered with mountains which stretch from north to south and the remaining 30 percent being plains located in the central and eastern parts of the island.

The island does not have any major rivers except for a total of 9 brooks and creeks.
Phuket is divided into 3 adminstrative counties namely Amphoe Muang, Amphoe Thalang and Amphoe Kathu.
Phuket has a lot more to offer its visitors other than its natural heritage sea, sand, sky, beach, forest, and world renowned diving sites. Sino-Portuguese architecture casts its spell delighting travelers to the city, while Phuket-style hospitality has never failed to impress visitors from all walks of life. In addition, accommodations ranging from world-class resorts to tropical-style bungalows have warmly catered to the different needs of travelers. For seafood lovers, there is a lot more to sample than just Phuket’s famous lobster. Altogether, these characteristics have made Phuket a truly unique destination.



  รวมรูปภาพต่างๆ ในประเทศไทย

วัดพระแ้ก้ว กรุงเทพ Wat Phra Kaew

ถนนข้าวสาร กรุงเทพ  Khao San Road

แหลมพรหมเทพ จังหวัดภูเก็ต Laem Phromthep

เกาะพีพี ภูเ็ก็ต Phi-Phi Island

สวนสัตว์เชียงใหม่ Chiang Mai Zoo


Pattaya View Point 

จบแล้วครับ สวัสดี

มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม ผู้ใหญ่ใจดี

นักเรียนที่สร้างบล็อก กรุณาอย่า
ควรนำมาจากหลายๆ เว็บ แล้ววิเคราะห์ สังเคราะห์ และเขียนขึ้นใหม่
หากคัดลอกทั้งหมด จะถูกดำเนินคดี




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พระราชบัญญัติลิขสิทธิ์ (ฉบับที่ 2) พ.ศ. 2558 
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