ข้อสอบเข้ามหาวิทยาลัยวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ครั้งที่ 1/2543 ( มีนาคม )

            Just outside the archaeological dig that made this ancient city famous sit two old farmers who
      share at least three things : the name Yang, a not-too-recently shaved head, and the claim to
      have unearthed China's greatest historical
find of the century.
   It is a spectacular site-an army of terracotta warriors built to guard the tomb of Qin Shihuang,
   the emperor who unified China in 220 B.C In March 1974, an unusually bad drought
      the local commune leader to send several farmers to dig a well in Lintong, just outside Xian.
      According to Yang Zhifa, it was about noon on the therd day of diggintg when he and one other
      farmer were six feet deep in a hole and he hit something hard. Digging it out, Yang Zhifa saw a
      torso-shaped piece of terracotta, carved in the shape of a warrior's tunic.

10       As it turned out, the site of the well was only inches inside the original front entrance of an
vault, which was eventually discovered to contain 6,000 life-size figures, The exact
      spot is marked in today's excavated vault and was pointed out to Clinton, as it is to every visitor.
     No written record of the terracotta vault existed, so archaeologists were stunned as they
    uncovered its full length, several hundred yards long-and then found three smaller vaults behind it.

      The excavation continues and will probably take decades longer.

question 88     

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Anchalee Thongprachan

ตั้งแต่วันที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2543

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